Solutions for the Cruise industry

English Language Testing


Competency Management

AI Proctoring

Ocean Learning Platform

Ocean Technologies Group provide a comprehensive suite of products for the Cruise industry


Whether you have an in-house operations, recruitment or talent management team or you are a crewing agency we can offer you a complete training, assessment and reporting solution.

English Language Testing

We can help you by providing flag-recognised, consistent, convenient and cost effective English language testing of your deck and engine and also hotel department personnel.
We also recommend standards on English language testing to meet your crewing and training needs.


As the leading provider of Maritime English testing, we can benchmark your results based on international averages to give you and your crew the confidence in their skills.

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We provide flag approved STCW Certification in the form of e-learning.

STCW topics include Security Awareness, Designated Security Duties, Crowd Management, Crisis Management and Human Behaviour.

Our Rapid E-Learning solution enables you to respond to an urgent need to deliver training by creating, reviewing and publishing e-learning materials using your PowerPoint, PDF files and video, quickly and efficiently.

We can also create e-learning courses tailored to your specific requirements.


Crew Evaluation System

CES is an online assessment tool used to identify training needs specific to knowledge areas defined in STCW.

CES reveals the strengths and weaknesses of any given candidate, helping to choose candidates based on the skill set and experience they have. CES can be used to plan remedial training and development opportunities to address any weaknesses and maximise potential.

Competency Management

Our Competency Management System enables you to demonstrate your commitment to safety and continuing professional development.

It also helps to shape a positive work culture and encourage efficient operations.

Our competency management system enables you to see and drill down into the skill levels of your people at an individual, or crew level, or even right across your whole fleet, helping you to build a culture of accountability and continuous improvement across your organisation.

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AI Proctoring

Relying purely on in-person testing when making recruitment or promotion decisions reduces the number of candidates you can assess, particularly in times of rolling travel disruptions.

Online testing enables higher volumes of people to be assessed but can present opportunities for candidates to achieve a passing mark through unfair means.

Our Remote Proctoring solution combines real-time assessment monitoring with machine learning to both deter candidates from cheating and provide confidence that any suspicious activity will be flagged.

Ocean Learning Platform – bringing it all together

Ocean Learning Platform is our new best of breed learning platform with exemplary user experience at its core.

OLP provides the tools you need to plan, manage, deliver and report on your training.

It has extensive API connection capabilities and automated services for secure data exchange, designed to minimise work onboard and deliver efficiencies.

All of our solutions outlined above can be easily integrated with OLP to provide seamless ‘one-stop’ solution. OLP can also be integrated with your existing crew management software.

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Contact us

Discover Ocean Learning

Transform your business today with the power of e-learning.

Explore our solutions

Competency Management System

Rapid E-Learning

Performance Appraisal

Pulse Survey


The ultimate in maritime e-learning. Accessible, repeatable, measurable – a learning solution for the 21st century vessel, available wherever you are in the world.

Virtual Classroom

Cloud Simulation

Training formats explained


Unparalleled breadth and quality of content. We offer the most comprehensive library of maritime blended learning content ever assembled.

Explore Ocean Learning Library

Certified Maritime Training Courses

Powered by the most recognised providers of e-learning in the maritime world.

Get peace of mind selecting teams you can entrust with the care of your people, the environment, cargo and vessels.

Assessment Solutions

Crew Evaluation System (CES)

Marlins English Language Testing

Facet5 Personality Testing

Ability Profiling APRO

Remote Proctoring AI

Our crew management solutions provide comprehensive coverage of the entire maritime HR function of today’s commercial vessel operator.

Crew Management Solutions


Our fleet management solutions empower operational teams with insights and workflows that drive improved vessel performance.

Fleet Management Solutions

TM Master





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