Partnership with SnapLogic Accelerates Ocean Technologies Group’s Ability to Serve Customers with Enhanced Data Accuracy and Interoperability

PRESS RELEASE 19th Oct, 2022

Ocean Technologies Group (OTG) has partnered with SnapLogic, a leader in intelligent integration and enterprise automation, to provide the platform that OTG will use to create its next generation Enterprise Data Management capabilities and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This significant collaboration will allow OTG’s customers to easily access and integrate with OTG’s Learning & Assessment, Crew Management, and Fleet Management solutions.

SnapLogic uses no-code/low-code automation and advanced data integration services that can leverage AI to connect OTG’s platforms with an increasing number of customer and third-party data sources in a faster, more efficient and intelligent way. This gives OTG’s customers the ability to create and manage, regular reports or dashboards from aggregated data sets to make informed decisions on operational and HR related matters.

Since bringing applications across learning & assessment, fleet and crew management under the OTG umbrella, there has been increasing customer appetite to combine the data sets and provide greater possibilities for insight. OTG has been quick to recognise the need for a specialist partner like SnapLogic to help provide its next generation of fast, efficient and intelligent solutions. This custom offering allows its clients to integrate with and benefit from having their live data available across OTG’s platforms.

“Rather than tying up software developers’ time in getting them to build custom interfaces with each of our clients’ platforms, it made sense to leverage an integration platform and then a team of data integration specialists to do this so my developers could focus on their main responsibility which is to create new software products,”

said Ian Hepworth, CTO at Ocean Technologies Group.

“SnapLogic has years of proven experience and uses intuitive systems in the cloud that can detect the different characteristics between the numerous applications companies use, making it easier and faster to connect them together so they can share, high quality and consistent data sets,”

he continued.

“Our company name derives from the term ‘snaps’ which refers to the pre-built connections that make code free integrations possible. SnapLogic makes it easy to create simple workflows for complex business processes between cross-functional work groups. It enables organizations to automate entire ecosystems of applications, databases, APIs, data warehouses, devices, and much more. We are excited to partner with OTG to enhance their customers’ experience, getting them the data they need quickly and easily,”

said William Bell, OEM Business Director, EMEA at SnapLogic.

ian hepworth

Ian Hepworth
Chief Technology Officer, Ocean Technologies Group

ian hepworth

William Bell
OEM Business Director, EMEA, SnapLogic

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