In Case You Missed It: Inspection Masterclass Recap
In Case You Missed It: Inspection Masterclass Recap Industry experts: Raal HarrisOcean Technologies Group Andy EasdownOcean Technologies Group Hadyn AbbeyCambridge Maritime Inspections are crucial for ensuring safety and compliance in operations. They come in various...
Developing a Future-Ready Maritime Workforce
Developing a Future-Ready Maritime Workforce Developing a Future-Ready Maritime Workforce The maritime industry’s most crucial asset isn’t its vast fleets or advanced tech; it’s its people. As the sector edges toward a tech-driven future, the need...
New Fuels and Digitalisation in Maritime
New Fuels and Digitalisation in Maritime Decarbonising our future New technology will play a huge role in meeting the IMO’s 2050 goals, but people, processes, and ways of working will be the foundation on which a sustainable future is built. Emerging New Fuels The...
Latest additions to the Ocean Learning Library
Latest additions to the Ocean Learning Library Training library updates Q4 2023 The final update to the Ocean Learning Library for 2023 sees 83 new or updated titles, the addition of new partner content for inspection preparation, and a brand-new, one-of-a-kind...