Don’t miss out on our APRO Assessor Courses ONLINE that will be held during summer
We have experienced an increase in demand for our APRO courses and are pleased to offer a two day ‘APRO (Ability Profiling) Assessor Course’ ONLINE to anyone who wishes to become familiar with our psychometric test tool. Please see dates for our upcoming APRO Assessor Courses for the summer 2021 below.
The Courses will be taking place ONLINE and all the login information will be sent prior the even to registered participants. To make it more suitable for customers, we are splitting the course in two consecutive days, the course will be taking 3 hours each day.
Those of you who would just like to find out more about what APRO is, can only attend the first session – however, if you want to be eligible for an APRO Assessor Certificate, you have to attend both sessions.
If you wish to be authorized as an APRO Assessor (a requirement to use APRO), you can apply for an APRO Certificate after two days ONLINE session. As a pre-requisite to attend the ‘APRO Assessor Course’ you must complete a free APRO test two days prior given course starting date and this can be taken conveniently online.
APRO Assessor Course
Please find the dates and details about our upcoming APRO Assessor Courses below.
June 7 – 8th , 09.00-12.00 CET
To reserve your seat, receive the online test instruction and login details please email your request to with with date of the course, your name, position, company and telephone number.
July 5 – 6th, 07.00-10.00 CET
To reserve your seat, receive the online test instruction and login details please email your request to with with date of the course, your name, position, company and telephone number.
August 16 – 17, 09.00-12.00 CET.
To reserve your seat, receive the online test instruction and login details please email your request to with with date of the course, your name, position, company and telephone number.
Participation is Free of Charge.

APRO is a psychometric assessment program developed to be used as a support tool during recruitment of seafarers.