Consolidated Ocean Learning Library

Over the past 12 months, here at Ocean Technologies Group we have been reviewing and consolidating all of Videotel’s and Seagull’s certified eLearning courses into the new Ocean Learning Library. We are pleased to share that 54 of our most popular courses covering a range of specialist technical subjects, occupational health and safety and type specific training, have made it into the Library with each course designed, as ever, to make seafarers safer and better at what they do. These courses can be taken through a company subscription, via the Ocean Learning Platform, or Pay-As-You-Go from the new Ocean website.

Harmonised Certification

As part of our course consolidation journey, we have also sought to simplify and harmonise the process for obtaining a course certificate. For all our learners, it is now quicker and easier to acquire that much needed evidence of training, as they will follow a new concise procedure for certification. We have also rationalised our course and certification fees, moving to a simpler fee structure in US dollars. This means, from 1st May 2021, our fees will be adjusted to ensure anybody following a Videotel or Seagull course, regardless of the hosting platform they use, will pay the same rate for their course or certification.  

New Digitally Secure Certificates

Another exciting development in Ocean’s journey is our newly designed, digitally secure Course Certificate, which will be issued to anyone successfully completing a Videotel or Seagull course on or after 1st May 2021. The growing appetite in the maritime industry for e-certificates and need for them to be independently verifiable is now a reality, so we have included unique QR codes on all our templates which link to our certificate database for independent checking. This is an important feature because no less than 16 courses in the Ocean Library are STCW Flag approved and may be subject to audit and inspection. We therefore work closely with those approving our courses to ensure both our training and the certificates that follow meet their high standards and become a benchmark for quality in our industry. 

For more information or to enroll on one of the Certified Courses in the Ocean Learning Library, please click the below button
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Competency Management System

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Pulse Survey


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Virtual Classroom

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Training formats explained


Unparalleled breadth and quality of content. We offer the most comprehensive library of maritime blended learning content ever assembled.

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Certified Maritime Training Courses

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Crew Evaluation System (CES)

Marlins English Language Testing

Facet5 Personality Testing

Ability Profiling APRO

Remote Proctoring AI

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