IMEC Commissions Ocean Technologies Group to Develop competencies for Ratings 

The International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC) has commissioned Ocean Technologies Group to develop a Competency Management System (CMS) for Ratings.

The CMS will be exclusive to IMEC members and is designed to be compatible with both Ocean and other competency management software solutions. The unique aspect of this CMS is that it is aimed entirely at the competency of Ratings, assessing their existing level of competency and then mapping out a clearly defined path of the required proficiencies needed for promotion within Rating level ranks.

The CMS is designed to be a fully flexible and dynamic system giving Ratings the option to follow different career paths, depending on their personal preferences, while covering all the core skills for specific ranks as well as STCW competencies such as safety and security.

“IMEC’s training committee had identified a differing approach to Ratings’ training over recent years. Whereas historically high achieving ratings were encouraged to become officers, the current trend is for the upskilling of ratings’ competencies, in response to more complex onboard operations. This new CMS will draw on the expertise of both leading shipping companies and of OTG, to create a truly unique product for our members, not only leading to safer working environments, but also for the career advancement of potentially many thousands of seafarers” said Mr. Adam Lewis, Head of Training & Operations at IMEC.

Seafarers will be encouraged to use this CMS on an ongoing basis allowing IMEC members to track and assess their Rating’s progress.

“We are really thrilled to have won this very important commission from IMEC, which will enable their members to have access to a comprehensive set of competencies covering ranks such as oiler, engine fitter, cook and pumpman. These are ranks which are often overlooked yet are vital to maintaining the smooth running of a vessel. We look forward to working closely with IMEC members to develop a CMS which is flexible and easy to use,” concluded Raal Harris, Creative Director of Ocean Technologies Group.

The CMS will be provided with full guidance for evaluators explaining the CMS operations, processes and guidance on assessment.

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