Ocean Technologies Group Gains DNV Statement of Compliance for its Offshore Industry Competency Standard
PRESS RELEASE, May 19th 2022
Ocean Technologies Group (OTG) has gained a statement of compliance for its offshore industry competency standard (OICS) from DNV.
OTG’s learning brands have a wealth of experience in both the design and implementation of Competency Management Systems (CMS) and in developing industry recognised competency standards .
OTG has created a new competency standard specifically for the offshore sector, mapped to the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) – Guidance on Competence Assurance and Assessment (IMCA C 002 Rev.3). This standard includes competence expectations for the various roles defined within the IMCA guidelines and has earned a statement of compliance from DNV .
“OICS and IMCA’s international competence framework provides a means by which the marine contracting industry can demonstrate the competence of its personnel in the safety-critical positions and other key positions they fulfil,” said Marius Tetlie, Global Manager, Competence Management for OTG.
“At Ocean Technologies Group, we have a proven track record of helping world-leading companies grow the knowledge and skills of their teams through our Competency Management Systems, working closely with them to implement both ready-made competencies linked to specific industry standards and by developing bespoke systems tailored to the needs of their business,” he continued.
“We’re really pleased that DNV has issued a statement of compliance for OICS as it recognises the hard work that our teams have put in to develop each set of competencies required by individual job functions so that seafarers can perform tasks safely and competently. We are currently working on more competency standards which, like OICS, will be released when ready onto our Ocean Learning Platform, making them accessible to clients 24/7,” said Raal Harris, Chief Creative Officer for Ocean Technologies Group.
“Having recognised quality standards to work to is very important to our customers and this offers offshore operators a framework mapped to the roles and responsibilities particular to their sector, enabling them to confidently measure competence, evidence excellence and improve safety. OCIS joins the growing list of competency standards offered through our Ocean Learning Platform, enabling companies to build a culture of on-the-job assessment and professional development,” he concluded.

Your comprehensive view of crew competence
Implementing a competency management system will give you insights into your crews’ current levels of competency and help you to build a cross-organisation picture of where any shortfalls are. With this information as a foundation, you can then work with employees to fill in the gaps and develop a path for growth and progression.
For more information go to the CMS page on the Ocean Technologies website, follow the OTG blog or email contact@oceantg.com