Ocean Technologies Group Spotlights Competency
Press Release
Ocean Technologies Group (OTG) is putting the spotlight on competency management with a series of initiatives to help ship operators and owners choose the right options for their crews and fleets.
OTG’s learning brands have a wealth of experience in both the design and implementation of Competency Management Systems (CMS) and in developing industry recognized competency standards. In the coming weeks OTG will be sharing the insights and experience of its in-house experts, partners and customers using social media posts, blogs, editorial and free workshops.
It will also be issuing a series of competency packs comprising of specific proficiencies across key competency areas that can be used to help build and assess seafarer knowledge, skills and behaviours.
The main areas of focus will be how to successfully implement a CMS, highlighting the existing and new range of competency standards, analyzing why behavioural competency is important and the HR benefits of competency management.
“Now that we have launched our new Ocean Learning Platform, we felt it was the right time to offer our experience to the industry and help demystify what can be a daunting topic for many ship operators. By offering our years of experience in the form of free blogs, articles and workshops, we will dispel many of the common myths and misnomers by providing the most compelling reasons why having a CMS onboard will reap real benefits in terms of assurance, crew development, compliance and performance,” said Raal Harris, Group Creative Director for OTG.
“At Ocean Technologies Group we have a proven track record of helping world leading companies build up the knowledge and skills of their teams through our Competency Management System and can work with companies to implement a ready-made set of competencies or develop a bespoke system tailored to the needs of their business.”
For more information go to the CMS page on the Ocean Technologies website, follow the OTG blog or email contact@oceantg.com

Competency Management (CMS) offers a range of benefits to all ship types and trades in terms of assurance, crew development, compliance and performance and we’ll be spotlighting these as well as a range of new competency standards we are launching over the next month.