Season’s Greetings from Oceaneers across the World 

2020 has been an extraordinary year in both the privations and hardships it has brought and in our capacity as an industry and as people to overcome them. It will go on record as a year in which our seafarers and those of us who serve and support them have been tested to the limit, but also one in which we have won much recognition for the valued key worker status our seafarers so richly deserve.

Being a digital-first business we have been fortunate to have minimised the operational disruption and are pleased that our remote learning and assessment services have made it possible for vital seafarer development and compliance training to go uninterrupted. As this year comes to a close, we reflect on the year that has passed and our hopes for the year ahead, we count ourselves blessed to be part of such a great community of customers, partners and friends and to be able to serve you in our joint aim of safer seas and happy productive ships.

I have asked our account manager serving your team, to be closely in contact with you, so that we offer the utmost support and help you and your teams navigate through the changed operational circumstances you are facing.

On behalf of all of us at Ocean Technologies Group we wish you and your families a restful and joyous festive season and wishes for a prosperous New Year.




Manish Singh
Chief Executive Officer

Ocean Technologies Group


Discover Ocean Learning

Transform your business today with the power of e-learning.

Explore our solutions

Competency Management System

Rapid E-Learning

Performance Appraisal

Pulse Survey


The ultimate in maritime e-learning. Accessible, repeatable, measurable – a learning solution for the 21st century vessel, available wherever you are in the world.

Virtual Classroom

Cloud Simulation

Training formats explained


Unparalleled breadth and quality of content. We offer the most comprehensive library of maritime blended learning content ever assembled.

Explore Ocean Learning Library

Certified Maritime Training Courses

Powered by the most recognised providers of e-learning in the maritime world.

Get peace of mind selecting teams you can entrust with the care of your people, the environment, cargo and vessels.

Assessment Solutions

Crew Evaluation System (CES)

Marlins English Language Testing

Facet5 Personality Testing

Ability Profiling APRO

Remote Proctoring AI

Our crew management solutions provide comprehensive coverage of the entire maritime HR function of today’s commercial vessel operator.

Crew Management Solutions


Our fleet management solutions empower operational teams with insights and workflows that drive improved vessel performance.

Fleet Management Solutions

TM Master





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