Rightship Inspection Ship Questionnaire
What is a RISQ?
The Rightship Inspection Ship Questionnaire (RISQ) helps to prepare companies for an inspection by Rightship which evaluates the condition of a ship, the level of effectiveness and quality of a Safety Management System, how far a company has gone in terms of adopting industry best practice and recomendations and also the health of wellbeing of the crew onboard.
How can we help?
We have mapped over 150 learning titles to the RISQ to give you the best possible opportunity to pass your Rightship inspection (titles listed below).
If you would like to speak to your Account Manager about your specific requirements and find out how we can help that way please click the button below.
Can all crew communicate effectively in the working language of the ship? (V)
RISQ ref no 2.3
Associated OTG products
#0350 Maritime English, Level 1, Introduction and vocabulary (30 units)
#0351 Maritime English, Level 2, SMCP Essentials (28 units)
#0022 Maritime English, Ship Familiarisation
#0040 Maritime English, Pilot on the bridge
#0808 English for Marine Engineers, Elementary Level
#0809 An Introduction to Standard Maritime Communication Phrases
Have officers and ratings responsible for cargo handling on ships carrying dangerous and hazardous substances in solid form in bulk, undergone formal training? (V)
RISQ ref no 2.7
Associated OTG products
#0068 IMSBC Code
Have officers and ratings responsible for cargo handling on ships carrying dangerous and hazardous substances in packaged form, undergone formal training (V)?
RISQ ref no 2.8
Associated OTG products
#0151 Hazmat IMDG Code, Advanced
To discuss your specific RISQ training requirements
Has an SMS policy and procedure been established to enforce the STCW Convention and Code requirements for the purpose of preventing drug and alcohol abuse? (V & M)
RISQ ref no 2.9
Associated OTG products
#0608 Drug and alcohol policy and testing
#2680 Drugs, Way off Course, A Seafarer’s guide
#2681 Drugs and Alcohol, A Manager’s guide
#2679 Alcohol Beware! A Seafarer’s guide
#2710.07 Healthy Living at Sea Series- Part 7- Substance Abuse
#9009 Drug and Alcohol, Say no (gamified e-learning module)
If ECDIS was fitted on board, have the Master and Deck Officers completed Generic training and type-specific familiarisation? (V)
RISQ ref no 2.14
Associated OTG products
#0212 ECDIS display features
#0213 Passage planning with ECDIS
#0214 ECDIS, Pilotage and berthing
We also have 20+ type specific ECDIS titles
Does the ship’s manager provide value-added training courses beyond the STCW to its on-board engineers? (V)
RISQ ref no 2.15
Associated OTG products
Examples of equipment specific training:
Main engine exhaust valve maintenance titles, #2606, #2607, and #2608
Separator maintenance/operation titles (available as modules or films) #0670, #0671, #0672 and #0481
Alfa Laval PureBallast #4130 (9 titles)
#0072 Basic Hydraulics
#0102 FRAMO, Safe Cargo operations
Examples of ‘Soft skills’ titles:
#0256 Team Leadership
#2717 Vessel Resource Management Series
#0260 Behaviour Based safety
#0088 Human Relations
Examples of non-STCW Environmental Titles:
#0393, #0394, #0277, #0288 Marine environmental awareness
To discuss your specific RISQ training requirements
Does the vessel utilise a weather routing service? (V)
RISQ ref no 3.27
Associated OTG products
#0241 Development of heavy weather
#0242 Heavy weather navigation
Has the master/pilot information exchange been taking place effectively and is the standard pilot card being completed as required? (V)
RISQ ref no 3.6
Associated OTG products
#0568 Pilot Interface or #2717.06 Vessel Resource Management Series – Part 6 – Working with Pilots
Has a safety officer been appointed and trained, and is the safety officer familiar with the principles and practice of risk assessment? (V)
RISQ ref no 4.2
Associated OTG products
#6340 Safety Oficer Training Course
Risk Assessment training:
#0123/2415 Risk Assessment and management
#0654 Risk Assessment at sea
#0639 Risk management, bow Tie
Is the vessel provided with an enclosed space entry procedure, and is there documented evidence that it was followed, and is there evidence that the crew assigned to responsibilities requiring entry into enclosed spaces has attended a dedicated enclosed space entry course?
RISQ ref no 4.5
Is entry into and rescue from enclosed space training undertaken and are regular drills conducted? (V)
RISQ ref no 4.6
Associated OTG products
#0387, #0388, #0389 Enclosed Space Entry
#0381 Management of Enclosed Spaces
#0425, 0426 Gas Measurement
Is the vessel provided with an enclosed space entry procedure, and is there documented evidence that it was followed, and is there evidence that the crew assigned to responsibilities requiring entry into enclosed spaces has attended a dedicated enclosed space entry course?
RISQ ref no 4.5
Associated OTG products
#0387, #0388, #0389 Enclosed Space Entry
#0381 Management of Enclosed Spaces
#0425, 0426 Gas Measurement
To discuss your specific RISQ training requirements
Are procedures in place for the control of hot work, are they incorporated in the safety management system and is there documented evidence of compliance? (M)
RISQ ref no 4.7
Associated OTG products
#0283/2547 Hot work, Management of hot work
#0282/2507 Hot work, doing the job safely
Has a specific permit to work and effective Lock-Out/Tag-Out (LOTO) system been introduced for high-risk duties and are the permits being used effectively? (V)
RISQ ref no 4.8
Associated OTG products
#0564/2514 Permit to work, Introduction
#0302 Permit to work, Procedures and principles
#2508 Lockout tagout
Is there a schedule of drills and exercises to address potential emergency shipboard situations and is it being conducted effectively?
RISQ ref no 4.9
Associated OTG products
#2711 Holding effective drills
#0591/2541 Effective fire drills
#0592 Effective lifeboat drills
#0593 Effective security drills
#0623 Pocket guide – drill efficiency
Are on-board safety meetings held regularly and, are they reviewed by the vessel’s manager and feedback provided where necessary? (M)
RISQ ref no 4.12
Associated OTG products
#2708 Managing an effective Safety Committee
#0646.04 Safety Officer, The Safety Committee
#6110 Safety Officer Traning Course
Are immersion suits in good condition, allocated as per the fire and safety plan and donning instructions clearly displayed? (V&M)
RISQ ref no 4.21
Associated OTG products
#0898 Immersion suit training
Are pilot ladders used for pilot transfer in good condition, and inspected regularly, clearly identified with tags or with permanent marking and are maintenance records available and, are crew members capable of demonstrating proper rigging of the pilot-ladder arrangement?(V)
RISQ ref no 4.37
Associated OTG products
#0500/#2515 Pilot ladders
Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all bunkers, chemicals, paint, corrosive, and toxic materials available, and are all crew familiar with their contents? (V)
RISQ ref no 4.34
Associated OTG products
#0574/2524 Safety data Sheets
#0562/2512 Chemicals in the engine room
Is the Oil Record Book (Part 1) completed correctly? (V)
RISQ ref no 5.1
Associated OTG products
#0218 Oil Record Book part 1
To discuss your specific RISQ training requirements
Are the crew familiar with the helicopter operation at sea, and are records available to show that the proper communication, shipboard helicopter safety checklist and specific risk assessment conducted prior to helicopter operation? (V)
RISQ ref no 4.41
Associated OTG products
#0309/#2548 Helicopter operations, Deck party tasks
#2585 Helicopter Operations at sea
Is an approved MARPOL Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) available, and up to date and are ship’s personnel familiar with their duties? (V)
RISQ ref no 5.2
Associated OTG products
#0004 SOPEP
#0358 SOPEP, your role
Are the ship’s personnel aware of the requirements of MARPOL Annex V with respect to the disposal of operational waste and cargo residues from ships? (V)
RISQ ref no 5.3
Associated OTG products
#0346 Bulk Carriers, Personal safety and environmental protection
If a ballast water treatment system is fitted, is it in good order and are the officers familiar with its safe operation? (V)
RISQ ref no 5.10
Associated OTG products
#4130 (8 titles) Alfa Laval PureBallast 3
Has a Garbage Management Plan been provided and is the Garbage Record Book (GRB) being correctly maintained? (V)
RISQ ref no 5.19
Associated OTG products
#0378 Garbage and waste management or #2725 Garbage Management
Has a ship-specific Energy Efficiency Management Plan been provided to the vessel?
RISQ ref no 5.21
Associated OTG products
#0258 SEEMP
#0141 SEEMP Part II, The IMO DCS and EU MRV
#0638 SEEMP Part III
#0097 Ship Energy Efficiency
#0367 IMO GHG Reduction methods, CII and EEXI
If the vessel is provided with an exhaust gas cleaning system (scrubber system) are the engineers familiar with its safe operation and have procedures been incorporated in the Safety Management System? (V)
RISQ ref no 5.23
Associated OTG products
#0266 Exhaust gas scrubbers, safe operation
Are SMS guidelines for the mitigation of engine damage due to catalytic fines and other potentially injurious elements or containments in place and being followed? (V & M)
RISQ ref no 7.6
Associated OTG products
#0010 Marine Fuel handling
#0412 Marine fuels, specification ISO 8217
#0411 marine fuels, Chemical composition and contaminants
Are bunkering and oil fuel transfer procedures carefully planned and executed in accordance with industry standards, are the details of the last operation in accordance with industry standards, is the vessel equipped with a procedure for sampling the oil fuel used on board, and are bunker samples stored in a sheltered location? (V)
RISQ ref no 7.7
Associated OTG products
#0414 Fuel oil bunkering, Good bunkering practice
#0415 Fuel oil bunkering, Effective practice and sampling
To discuss your specific RISQ training requirements
Can the vessel safely comply with the requirements of Emission Control Area (ECA) and other local requirements regarding use of very-low or ultra-low sulphur fuels in the main engine, auxiliary engines and boilers? (M)
RISQ ref no 7.8
Associated OTG products
#0417 Low Sulphur fuel operation
#2737 2020 Sulphur Regulations – Achieving Compliance
#2739 Practical Management and Switching of Marine Fuels
Are ship-specific procedures to control the change from residual to low-sulphur / distillate fuels and vice versa provided, and is the fuel oil change over logbook and data collection system being maintained correctly? (V & M)
RISQ ref no 7.9
Associated OTG products
#0141 SEEMP Part II, The IMO DCS and EU MRV
#0417 Low Sulphur fuel operation
#2737 2020 Sulphur Regulations – Achieving Compliance
#2739 Practical Management and Switching of Marine Fuels
Is there an approved LNG Fuel Handing and Emergency Procedure Manual, and are crew familiar with the bunkering and emergency procedures such as leakage, fire or potential fuel stratification resulting in rollover? (V)
RISQ ref no 7B (LNG) 7.1
Associated OTG products
##0478 LNG Bunkering Operations , Respond Level
#6311 LNG Bunkering: Respond Level Training Course
Do seafarers responsible for designated safety duties associated with the care, use or emergency response to the fuel onboard the ship, hold a certificate in basic training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code? (V)
RISQ ref no 7.3
Associated OTG products
#6370 [STCW] Basic Training for Service on Ships Subject to IGF Code
Are the stresses, stability information and any limitations included in the cargo plan understood by the cargo watch officers, and are conditions being monitored and maintained within design limits throughout the cargo operation? (V)
RISQ ref no 8A & 8.7
Associated OTG products
#0344 Loading bulk carriers
#0349 Bulk Carriers, unloading
#0343 Preparation for loading bulk carriers
#2655 Bulk Carriers – Handle with care
#0347 Bulk Carriers, Trim and Stability
Are officers familiar with the risk, hazard and carriage requirements of solid bulk cargo on board the ship? (V)
RISQ ref no 8A & 8.11
Associated OTG learning titles
#0340 Introduction to bulk carriers
#0341 Liquefying cargoes
#0342 Common Bulk cargoes
#0343 Preparation for loading bulk carriers
#0344 Loading bulk carriers
#0345 Hull structural strength
#0346 Bulk Carriers, Personal safety and environmental protection
#0347 Bulk Carriers, trim and stability
#0348 Bulk Carrier voyage
#0349 Bulk carriers, unloading
Has as a cargo loading/unloading plan providing a detailed sequence of cargo and ballast transfer been prepared, understood, and signed off by the master and deck officers? (V)
RISQ ref no 8A & 8.14
Associated OTG learning titles
#0343 Preparation for loading bulk carriers
#0344 Loading bulk carriers
#0349 Bulk carriers, unloading
Have details of cargo care during the voyage been adequately recorded? (V)
RISQ ref no 8A & 8.16
Associated OTG learning titles
#0348 Bulk Carrier voyage
If coal cargo is being carried, was the ship equipped with appropriate instruments for measuring the temperature of cargo, monitoring the atmosphere of the cargo hold and checking the pH value of cargo bilge sample? (V)
RISQ ref no 8A & 8.18
Associated OTG learning titles
#0342 Common Bulk cargoes
To discuss your specific RISQ training requirements
Are officers familiar with the risk, hazard and carriage requirements of grain cargo on board the ship? (V)
RISQ ref no 8B & 8.12
Associated OTG learning titles
#0342 Common Bulk cargoes
Have personnel engaged in cargo securing operations been provided with relevant training and familiarisation? (V)
RISQ ref no 8D 8.27
Associated OTG learning titles
#0404/#2409 Container ships, Securing cargo arrangements
#6114 Working at Height Training Course
#0310/2510 Working at height
#0407 Container ships, Care of reefer cargo
Is the master/chief officer suitably trained in the inspection and maintenance of hatch covers? (V)
RISQ ref no 9.2
Associated OTG learning titles
#0152 Hatch cover maintenance for bulk carrier
#2621 Hatch Covers – A Practical Guide
Have personnel engaged in cargo securing operations been provided with relevant training and familiarisation? (V)
RISQ ref no 8C & 8.15
Associated OTG learning titles
#0404/#2409 Container ships, Securing cargo arrangements
#6114 Working at Height Training Course
#0310/2510 Working at height
#0407 Container ships, Care of reefer cargo
Are master and/or chief officer familiar with the rules for deciding when to ventilate the cargo holds during the voyage? (V)
RISQ ref no 8C 8.34
Associated OTG learning titles
#0348 Bulk carrier, voyage
Has the company established guidelines and procedures for the inspection, maintenance and wear zone management of the mooring lines and are they being implemented? (V & M)
RISQ ref no 10.1
Associated OTG learning titles
#4040 (Samson Rope) Mooring Course (13 titles)
#0373/2559 Mooring, Management of lines
Are there sufficient crew members on board to assist in the mooring operation, check and tend the mooring lines at regular intervals? (V)
RISQ ref no 10.7
Associated OTG learning titles
#0370 Mooring, Risk Assessment and management
#0371/2511.02 Mooring, Safe handling and good practice
Are the controls, linkages, operating levers, brake drums, brake linings, and pins of the winches, as well as the working access arrangement to the winches, in good working order?
RISQ ref no 10.15
Are the pedestal fairleads, roller fairleads and other rollers free of grooving, well-greased and free to turn? (V)
RISQ ref no 10.16
Are the windlasses, anchors, locking bars, and cables, as well as the working access arrangement, in good working order and are they maintained as part of the plan maintenance system? (V)
RISQ ref no 10.18
Associated OTG learning titles
#0372/#2558 Mooring, Equipment inspection
Is access to the ship being controlled by an adequate deck watch? (V)
RISQ ref no 12.1
Associated OTG learning titles
#0501/2517 Gangway security
Are the protective guards, shields and emergency stop of the engine room workshop tools being maintained in good order? (V)
RISQ ref no 13.26
Associated OTG learning titles
#0555/2505 Workshop training
Has a Ship Security Officer (SSO) been appointed and trained adequately to perform the duties of SSO and have all crew received security-related training and instructions? (V)
RISQ ref no 12.2
Associated OTG learning titles
#6122 Ship Security Officer Training Course (NMA Approved)
#6322 Ship Security Officer Training Course (MCA/NMA)
#6121/6321 Designated Security Duties courses (NMA/MCA approved)
#6120/6320 Security Awareness Course (NMA/MCA approved)
Have preventive measures been taken by the master and crew during the stay in port and prior to departure to prevent stowaways? (V)
RISQ ref no 12.6
Associated OTG learning titles
#0598 Search techniques, Ship and stowaway searches
Are measures in place for controlling the use of removable media such as USB memory sticks, CDs, DVDs, and diskettes on shipboard computers? (V)
RISQ ref no 12.8
Associated OTG learning titles
#4064/4065 Cyber Awareness
#2745 Cyber Security at Sea
#6209 Cyber Security Awareness Training Course
#4063 Cyber Security Awareness by DNV
#0812 Cyber Security
Are procedures to recover essential equipment documented and posted in the engine room? (V)
RISQ ref no 13.10
Associated OTG learning titles
#0460 Engine room emergencies, Recovery from a blackout
Is the emergency steering gear drill being carried out every three months? (V)
RISQ ref no 13.4
Associated OTG learning titles
#0017 Steering Gear, Construction and maintenance (Chapter 3)
Are ship’s staff provided with appropriate medical care and health promotion programmes? (V)
RISQ ref no 15.6
Associated OTG learning titles
#2710 series, Healthy living at sea (10 titles)
#0223 Galley Operations, Nutrition
#0224 Nutrition and well being, Awareness
#2702 Fatigue and stress at sea
#4058 Seafarer’s mental health and wellbeing (ISWAN)
#2734 Seafarers Mental Health and wellbeing
#0605 Back care
#0194 Lifestyle assessment and advice
#0195 Physical exercise and lifestyle coaching
Has company provided training for on-board key personnel in recognising signs of mental health problems? (V)
RISQ ref no 15.12
Associated OTG learning titles
#2734 Seafarers mental health and wellbeing
#4058 Seafarer’s mental health and wellbeing (ISWAN)
Are main engine sea chests provided with steam heating systems and is a record of check available? (V)
RISQ ref no 16.7
Associated OTG learning titles
#0280 Engineering operations in cold environments
Are personnel provided with appropriate protective equipment suitable for sub- freezing temperature? (V)
RISQ ref no 16.8
Associated OTG learning titles
#0281 Personal safety in cold environments
#0430 Survival equipment in cold environments
Are the emergency drill procedures amended prior to entering sub-freezing / polar areas and are the crew being regularly trained with such a procedure? (V)
RISQ ref no 16.19
Associated OTG learning titles
#0281 Personal safety in cold environments
#0430 Survival equipment in cold environments