Holding Effective Drills

Holding Effective Drills

Holding Effective Drills Safety drills are one of the most important pillars of onboard safety. They allow problems to be spotted, for practice to make perfect, and for awareness of key shipboard issues to emerge. All too often though, drills are something of an...
Enclosed Space Entry: Time for Rethink

Enclosed Space Entry: Time for Rethink

Enclosed Space Entry: Time for Rethink There is pressure building to rethink seafarer safety in enclosed spaces, after a new study has revealed the death rate has increased over 300 percent in recent times. A staggering statistic, which is prompting calls for action...
Competency Management 101

Competency Management 101

Competency Management 101: Unlocking the Potential of Your Maritime Workforce Sending people off to sea, in charge of potentially lethal, highly complex, high value assets requires more than an element of trust. It requires the concept of “competence”. What does that...