OTG Customer Seminar in London

Shipping’s Just Transition and the SIRE 2.0 will place new demands on the skills of our crews. ESG requires changes to the way we work and the company cultures we need to build. Digitisation offers opportunities to automate processes and bring greater insight than ever into the performance of our vessels and crew.

Our maritime professionals will be key to ensuring success, but we face a shortage of good candidates in key roles. In this seminar we consider how technology can be used to find, build and retain talent and support our maritime professionals onboard and ashore in the vital work they do.

Thursday 20th of April, 2023
The Bakers Hall
7 Harp Ln, London EC3R 6DP
12:00 – 18:00

Meet our guest speakers

Neil Dulling

Manager Environmental CoE Europe, MOL LNG Transport Ltd

Yvette de Klerk

Business Development Manager, Warsash Maritime School

Capt. John Lloyd

CEO, The Nautical Institute 

Capt. Arvind Natrajan

Senior Marine Adviser (Crewing & Training), ICS

Martha Selwyn

Manager, Ocean at United Nations Global Compact 

Capt. Kuba Szymanski

Secretary General, InterManager

Frans Ubaghs

Senior Vetting & Deputy Marine Director, INTERTANKO 


12.00 – 13.00


13.00 – 13.05

Quick overview of the day and safety briefing.

13.05 – 17.30

Opening Session
Building Tomorrow Today: How OTG is innovating to power our partners
It’s three years since we formed OTG and launched a common brand with which to support our customers. In this opening session, we will share our vision, reflect on our mission and illustrate the initiatives we are taking to help drive our customers success.

OTG Vision & Mission – Thomas Zanzinger, Chief Executive Officer | OTG
New CEO Thomas Zanzinger will reflect on his first 6 months as CEO and explains how OTG is evolving bringing Fleet Management, Learning & Assessment, and Maritime HR together in a single eco-system, to better support our customers to meet the challenges and opportunities of an industry in transformation.

Ensuring Customer Success – Johan Gustafsson, Chief Revenue Officer | OTG
Against a backdrop of increasing regulation and charterer requirements, it’s never been more important for OTG to ensure our customers’ success. Johan will give an overview of how we have consolidated group functions to increase our global capabilities and how our investment in data analysis is helping us provide performance insights to customers that can help shape their strategy.

Next Generation Product Design – William Brown, Group Head of Product Management | OTG
Our vision for a unified suite has transformed our approach to product development and user experience (UX) design. Group Head of Product William Brown will give an overview of the newly unified product organisation, new approach to product design and explain the vital role our customers are playing in the development of our next generation software. William will also provide a high level view of our roadmap.

Industry Keynote Address Capt. Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General | InterManager

Our seafarers and those that support them ashore are under greater pressure than ever before. Unpredictable global and local events are putting pressure on supply chains and crewing, whilst digitisation and technology present opportunities to transform how we work and live onboard. Capt. Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General of InterManager, shares his thoughts and perspectives on the key issues affecting our Industry and our people in these times of change.  

Powering Maritime HR – Christoph Koenig, Business Development Director | OTG

The ability of our crews to adapt to the changing industry will be paramount. Technology presents opportunities to make maritime HR manageable, reduce workloads, and make our industry a more attractive proposition for the people we need. Christoph will explain how we are making it easier to leverage smart tools empower HR professionals to manage their teams and improve the experience of those serving aboard.

Shipping’s Just Transition: Ensuring a Green Future Workforce – Martha Selwyn, Manager | UN Global Compact  

The availability of skilled labour and the right education will be a condition for shipping’s green transformation. To ensure no seafarer is left behind, a ‘Just Transition’ to a zero emission maritime industry is increasingly essential. This presentation will demystify the concept of ‘Just Transition’, highlight the growing business case for action, and present an overview of future skills and competences for green shipping jobs.  

Maritime Innovation: Automation, Autonomy and Alternative Fuels, Are our people ready? – Captain John Lloyd, RD, MBA, FNI, CMMar CEO | TheNautical Institute

In a period of unprecedented change and challenge this presentation will draw upon the key factors identified during a global engagement programme made by the Nautical Institute as part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2022. 

Drawing upon real-world experience from today’s experts, John will explain NI perspectives on how different regions have different priorities.  Despite these differences, there is much that unities us and there has never been a more important time for leadership, direction and commitment if we are to meet the social and environmental challenges ahead. 

John will make the case for increasing our focus on professional development and ask the key question of how will we ensure our seafarers are equipped to manage the increasing levels of sophistication in on-board equipment and high levels of data. 

How to prepare for SIRE 2.0 – FransUbaghs, Senior Vetting & Deputy Marine Director | INTERTANKO  

Updating the Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE) with the upcoming SIRE 2.0 represents a huge step change in the vetting of tankers with updated inspection guidelines, a move to digital reporting, improved data analysis, and an enhanced focus on environmental protection. It also follows the renewed focus on human factors with the inclusion of several Proforma Inspection Form (PIF) items related to human factors. In this presentation Frans will consider how ship operators can ensure their crew are ready for this change. 

Coffee break 

Session 2
Supporting your people and organisational development
This session will focus on a range of aspects and tools to help support our teams to help drive performance that underpins commercial success whilst maintaining the highest levels of operational reliability, environmental sustainability, social responsibility and good-governance.

What’s on the learning radar? – Raal Harris, Chief Creative Officer | OTG
From the disruption of digitalisation to the rise of Human Factors and behavioural assessment, ship operators face an ever-increasing number of regulations and requirements. Using his experience from his participation in Industry groups and global events, Raal will take a dive into some of the key trends and considerations and highlight how OTG is responding to help organisations to prepare their people to meet these challenges.

Advances in Learning and Assessment – Knut H. Mikalsen, Director Learning Solutions | OTG
Director of Learning solutions Knut Mikalsen will present an update on the Learning library, the project to refactor our titles into micro-learning units, and the development to the adaptive learning system. He’ll also cover some of the new ways to personalise your use of Ocean Learning Platform to drive your initiatives and create an improved employee experience.

Clear Channels: The Importance of Effective Communication in Ensuring Maritime Safety and Efficiency – Catherine Logie, Director Direct to Consumer Services | OTG

As the industry evolves, effective communication is more important than ever for ensuring safe and efficient operations and wellbeing of crews. In addition to complying with international regulations and industry best practices, communication skills are now seen as essential in preparing crews for future roles.

Catherine will draw on her many years of experience in Maritime English assessment and skills development to look at these aspects and suggest strategies to improve communication across teams.

Digitalisation in practice – A fleet management case study – Maria Collie, UK Sales Manager | OTG

Getting digitalisation right is hard, but it’s also valuable. In this session we take a look at a recent successful fleet management digitalisation project that OTG did with Tidewater as part of their ongoing digital transformation. We talk about why the project succeeded, which challenges were met, and what was learned. We also talk about the benefits a successful digitalisation project can bring to your fleet and why it’s important. 

Transforming Maritime Professionals – Moderated Panel Discussion with Q&A

Digitalisation and increased connectivity at sea is rapidly changing the way we work onboard and on shore. The new fuels and technologies that will drive our decarbonisation goals will only see this accelerate and place new demands on skills and the profiles of the teams we build.
Advances in technology and proliferation of software offer us opportunities to automate processes and bring greater insight than ever into the performance our vessels and our maritime professionals will be vital to ensuring success. 

In this session, the panel will discuss how technology can be used to support our maritime professionals onboard and ashore in their vital work. 

This panel session will include:
Moderator: Raal Harris, Chief Creative Officer  | OTG
Neil Dulling, Manager Environmental CoE Europe  | MOL LNG Transport Ltd
Yvette de Klerk, Business Development Manager  | Warsash Maritime School
Capt. Arvind Natrajan, Senior Marine Adviser (Crewing & Training)  | ICS
Martha Selwyn, Manager  | Ocean at United Nations Global Compact


17.30 – 17.45

Closing address and thanks

17.45 – 18.15

Drinks reception 

18.15 – close


Our guest speakers

Neil Dulling

Neil’s current position is as Manager of the Environmental Centre of Excellence (Europe) for MOL LNG transport. The role examines all facets of the fleet’s environmental effects and evaluates how new technologies might be developed and implemented in the future.

Neil is a seafarer by training and his seagoing time was spent with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary. After making the move to shore in 2000, Neil worked for 3rd party ship managers managing short-sea and deep-sea vessels. Later, he joined the MOL group, where he spent 5 years managing safety and security in the European Tanker sector before shifting to the LNG division in 2013, where he was appointed HSSEQ manager till 2022.

Currently, Neil is part of the environmental committees for INTERTANKO and SIGTTO and supports the Nautical Institute as a member of their IMO delegation. 

Yvette de Klerk, MSc, AFNI

Yvette joined Warsash Maritime School, part of Solent University, Southampton as Business Development Manager in March this year. Throughout her career in the maritime industry, she has held various crewing and training portfolios, worked in several countries across the globe and represented South Africa at International Maritime events as part of different Government delegations. 

Most recently before taking up her position with Warsash, Yvette was the Head of Training at Wallem, where she worked extensively on defining the training policies and requirements to contribute to a better safety culture.  

Yvette is an Associate Fellow of The Nautical Institute and holds a bachelor’s degree in Sport Psychology, National Diploma in Maritime Studies, and Master of Science Degree in Maritime Affairs (MET) from the prestigious World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmö, Sweden. Yvette is passionate about transforming the maritime education and training (MET) landscape through collaboration and currently co-chairs the ‘Career Pathways’ sub-group of the UK MCA’s Education, Policy, and Technical Consultation Group.

Capt. John Lloyd, RD, MBA, FNI, CMMar

John joined The Nautical Institute from the Australian Maritime College (AMC) in Tasmania where he was a Professor in the National Centre for Ports and Shipping. During his seven years at AMC he had a two years leave of absence to set up the Angolan Maritime Training Centre. Before joining AMC he spent two years working in the Vanuatu Maritime College. 

John’s varied career prior to these appointments included four years in senior positions with Flagship Training in the UK, 10 years with Warsash Maritime Centre as a senior and principal lecturer in simulation and operations, and two years as a marine pilot in Walvis Bay. He served at sea from 1975 for 16 years, gaining command in 1987. 

Capt. Arvind Natrajan

Arvind is the Senior Marine Adviser (Crewing & Training) at the International Chamber of Shipping. His current role involves developing training standards for seafarers who will work on alternative fuel-propelled ships that will help IMO achieve the revised GHG strategy that will be adopted at MEPC 80. To realise this, Arvind works with the IMO Secretariat and key IMO Member States towards reviewing and revising the STCW Convention and Code within a target year of 2026.   

After a seafaring career in command of Oil and Chemical Tankers, Arvind was briefly involved in academics as a Nautical Science Lecturer with University of Suffolk. Prior to joining ICS, he was also involved in enforcing IMO and UK legislation through the Paris MoU Port State regime. A person of diverse interests, when not immersed in a book, he can be found exploring the great outdoors or inflicting crunching tackles as a centre-back on the football field.

Martha Selwyn

Martha Selwyn is currently a Manager at the United Nations Global Compact. In her role she works with employers, workers and policymakers across the blue economy  – from shipping, ports and offshore wind – to support the implementation of ambitious sustainability goals, including climate (mitigation and adaptation) and biodiversity targets and human and labour rights standards. At present, Martha leads work on the social-climate nexus with the Maritime Just Transition Task Force established at COP 26 by industry, the UN and seafarers’ unions. The Task Force is a global-first, dedicated to ensuring a human-centred transition to a zero emission shipping industry by 2050.

Before holding her position at the UN, Martha completed her Master of Public Policy with a Summa Cum Laude Honours at Sciences Po, Paris. Prior to Sciences Po, Martha spent one year at the Berlin-based public affairs consultancy KekstCNC in 2017-18 and one year at the German Federal Foreign Office. She completed her First Class undergraduate studies in German and Philosophy at  the University of Edinburgh from 2012-2016.

Capt. Kuba Szymanski

Captain Kuba Szymanski is the Secretary General for InterManager, the international trade association for the ship and crew management sector.
During his sea career he sailed gas/chemical/product tankers and continues to maintain his Captain’s Licence. Moving ashore he gained a Certificate in Ship Superintendence and an MBA and worked as a Marine Superintendent, HSEQ Manager, Fleet Manager and General Manager.

Through his role with InterManager, Capt Szymanski has participated in many industry-wide projects. He chairs the Human Element Industry Group Enclosed Space Committee.

Capt Szymanski is a member of the Maritime Professional Council of the UK, and a fellow of the Nautical Institute and member of its Executive Board. He chairs the HR and Renumeration Committee of the TK Foundation, is Chair of the Board of the Seafarers Hospital Society, and holds an Honorary Doctorate by Solent Southampton University in recognition of his contribution to the maritime industry.

In his leisure time, Kuba is a keen yachtsman and sails competitively.

Frans Ubaghs

Frans obtained his “Master in Nautical Science” certificate from the Antwerp Maritime Academy. 

After an extensive career at sea on different types of vessels, he sailed as Master on chemical tankers. Frans holds various advanced qualifications including an MBA in Shipping & Logistics. 

He worked as marine superintendent, inspector, DPA, HSQE Manager, General Manager and Vetting Manager for tanker owners and in various tanker management companies in Belgium, France and Germany. 

Frans joined INTERTANKO in August 2018 as Vetting Manager where he is responsible for responding to queries and provide guidance to members on issues pertaining to Vetting and general HSQE matters. Development of INTERTANKO Vetting Guides, organising Vetting Seminars and Forums and supporting the further development and upgrading of INTERTANKO internal database and benchmarking tools form part of his daily duties. He further develops the crucial collaborative work with OCIMF/CDI and other industry organisations. 

Ocean Learning

Working together to bring you the ultimate in maritime e-learning by developing a ship’s most critical asset – its people.

Fleet Management

Our fleet management solutions empower operational teams with insights and workflows that drive improved vessel performance.

Crew Management

Our crew management solutions provide comprehensive coverage of the entire maritime HR function of today’s commercial vessel operator.

English Language Testing

A standardised English language testing procedure for seafarers is therefore a necessary part of recruiting and managing mixed nationality crews on all vessel types.